Jaw Journal

Day 21: 3 Weeks in Pictures

I thought a picture montage of the journey would be a fun way to celebrate 3 weeks of healing! When I was going through these pictures, I felt a quiet sense of thrill at how quickly I’m progressing. Yippee!


Day of Surgery, Dec. 28, 2011

My bite, minutes before surgery
My hospital prep room before surgery
Day of surgery. Taken just after we got home from the hospital.

Day 1 of Recovery…

Day 1 of recovery. Me and my jowls.
My banded-shut teeth

Day 2…

Syringe feeding, Day 2.

Day 3…

Day 3: The joy of condiment bottles!!
My valiant attempt to eat a frosty failed. Thankfully, my lovely husband was able to turn the frosty into a tasty, condiment bottle friendly smoothie!

Day 4…

Day 4: Being social isn't easy with an icepack strapped to your face...
Gross white pocket in my gums. Turns out it is just healing tissue. (Also, I apologize for the gross green things in my teeth. This was during my potato soup phase.)

Day 6…

Day 6: No more rubber bands! I can open 12 mm here.

Day 11…

Day 11: Up and about with my godson. Feeling pretty good by now!

Day 13…

Day 13: Really getting the hang of being human again by day 13. 🙂
Up close and personal with my new bite!

Day 15…

Out to dinner with Noah and friends on Day 15. Not the best shot...but you can tell my swelling is way down, and I'm having fun. 🙂

Day 20…

No more surgical brackets!


Day 20: Still getting used to this new face of mine. My smile looks so different to me!


There it is, folks. Three weeks in pictures! I’m going to wait for the big Before and After post until after my braces come off…which is still a few months away. Stay tuned!